Our family is complete and we couldn’t imagine it any other way. We are forever grateful to the birth parents who chose us to love and raise these beautiful children of ours. The adoption process wasn’t an easy one, but with an organization like the Adoption Hope Foundation providing us with a grant, we were able to focus on all the other aspects of going through the adoption process and not have to worry about the financial side. We all know “it takes a village” to raise a child, and with adoption, we found it took a village to welcome the children meant for us into our family. We are thankful AHF is part of our village.

The Hallorens are another of our successful families at Adoption Hope Foundation.
The Gabels welcomed Athena into their home through Adoption Hope Foundation.

Our family grew through adoption when our newborn daughter Athena joined us. After being a waiting family for 2 years, we experienced a very quick match and placement. The support we received from Adoption Hope Foundation helped tremendously by allowing us to put all our focus on bonding and embracing the next chapter in our family's story.

My baby girl, Zakaya, is 5 weeks old now and I have never been happier in my life. I am in absolute bliss and treasuring every moment of being her mother. I always dreamed of having a big family and my life hadn’t panned out as I had envisioned. My journey to get here was extremely difficult but I did it! I finally got my turn at being a mama! After many failed attempts of getting pregnant with fertility treatments, I turned to adoption. I worried about not getting chosen as a single parent; however, I matched to receive a baby boy and was over the moon joyful. Sadly, the adoption didn’t happen because the birth mom bailed from the agency. It was beyond devastating but I had to keep the faith. Fortunately, not long after I matched again, to receive a baby girl this time. The connection with the birth mom was so beautiful from the moment we started talking on the phone. We immediately bonded and both knew it was the right fit. Since that day, my adoption journey turned into the most perfect story. Zakaya is the best blessing I could ever receive. I am so grateful. Although I’d spend every penny I have for her it’s unfortunate that adoption has to cost so much money. Doing it all alone and on a teacher’s salary was extremely difficult for me. I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Adoption Hope Foundation for supporting me in this process. I was astonished when I received the amazing news that they wanted to help me out. Their generosity has helped me tremendously and I am eternally indebted to them.

The Hallorens are another of our successful families at Adoption Hope Foundation.
Here we see the Santhouse family with their new son that was able to join their family with help from Adoption Hope Foundation.

We are so grateful to have welcomed our son into our family through adoption! It was such a blessing to have the Adoption Hope Foundation grant us some financial assistance in our adoption journey. We will never forget their generosity.

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